Motion in Motion of the Purine Repressor upon binding DNA [purrdna]

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Classification Known Fragment Motion, Unclassifiable [F-?-2]

1PNR X-ray struc. of whole molecule bound to DNAComplex [ PartsList ]
1PRU NMR struc. of 3-helix head-piece not bound to DNAApo [ PartsList ]
1PRV NMR struc. of 3-helix head-piece not bound to DNAApo [ PartsList ]

Upon binding DNA, part of the structure that was a disordered coil becomes an ordered helix. This helix is fourth helix of the HTH-headpiece domain. This finding is the result of comparing the unbound fragment structure (NMR, Nagadoi et al.) with the DNA-protein complex of structure (X-ray, Schumacher et al.).

Particular values describing motion
Creation Date = 19970822
Modification Date = 19970822
Experimental Methods = xn (Traditional X-ray and NMR)

M. A. Schumacher, K. Y. Choi, H. Zalkin & R. G. Brennan (1994). Crystal structure of LacI member, PurR, bound to DNA: minor groove binding by alpha helices. Science 266: 763-770 [Medline info for 95063908]

GO terms associated with structures
Molecular functiontranscription factor activity
Cellular componentintracellular
Biological processregulation of transcription, DNA-dependent


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Copyright 1995-2005 M. Gerstein, W. Krebs, S. Flores, N. Echols, and others
Email: Mark.Gerstein _at_