Motion in NF-kappa B [nfkb]

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Classification Known Domain Motion, Unclassifiable Mechanism [D-?-2]

1NFK Conformation 2 [ PartsList ]
1SVC Conformation 1 [ PartsList ]

Comparison of two crystal conformations shows differences.

Particular values describing motion
Creation Date = 19970822
Modification Date = 19970822
Experimental Methods = x (Traditional x-ray)

Ghosh G, van Duyne G, Ghosh S, Sigler PB. (1995) Structure of NF-kappa B p50 homodimer bound to a kappa B site. Nature 373:303-10. [Medline info for 95132005]
Muller CW, Rey FA, Sodeoka M, Verdine GL, Harrison SC. (1995) Structure of the NF-kappa B p50 homodimer bound to DNA. Nature 373:311-7. [Medline info for 95132006]

GO terms associated with structures
Molecular functiontranscription factor activity, protein binding
Cellular componentnucleus
Biological processregulation of transcription, DNA-dependent, signal transduction, regulation of transcription


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Copyright 1995-2005 M. Gerstein, W. Krebs, S. Flores, N. Echols, and others
Email: Mark.Gerstein _at_