Motion in Copper oxidase [cuox]

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Classification [D-s-2]

1AVK [ PartsList ]
1A2V [ PartsList ]

M C Wilce, D M Dooley, H C Freeman, J M Guss, H Matsunami, W S McIntire, C E Ruggiero, K Tanizawa, H Yamaguchi (1997). Crystal structures of the copper-containing amine oxidase from Arthrobacter globiformis in the holo and apo forms: implications for the biogenesis of topaquinone. Biochemistry, 36:16116-33 [Medline info for 9405045]

GO terms associated with structures
Molecular functioncopper ion binding


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Copyright 1995-2005 M. Gerstein, W. Krebs, S. Flores, N. Echols, and others
Email: Mark.Gerstein _at_