Motion in Chorismate Lyase Catalytic Cycle [cl]

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Classification Suspected Fragment Motion, Hinge Mechanism [F-h-1]

1FW9 Complex with PHBComplex

Crystal structure from E. coli (164 residues)
In crystal structure of product complex, flaps are closed. Flaps are known to open and close for catalytic cycle, but the specific geometry of motion depicted in the movie is conjectural.

Particular values describing motion
Experimental Methods = xn
= 2
Domain 1 (residue selection) = 21-40
Domain 2 (residue selection) = 97-119

Gallagher DT, Mayhew M, Holden MJ, Howard A, Kim KJ, Vilker VL. The crystal structure of chorismate lyase shows a new fold and a tightly retained product. Proteins. 2001 Aug 15;44(3):304-11. [Medline info for 11455603]

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Copyright 1995-2005 M. Gerstein, W. Krebs, S. Flores, N. Echols, and others
Email: Mark.Gerstein _at_