Motion in Annexin V (Trp motion) [anxtrp]

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Classification Known Fragment Motion, Hinge Mechanism [F-h-2]

1ANX Conformation 3 [ PartsList ]
1AVR Conformation 1 [ PartsList ]
2RAN Conformation 2 [ PartsList ]

Large movements of 2 loops and end of a helix moves a buried trp residue 18 Angstrom to surface. Function of motion is unclear but it appears to be related to calcium concentration. The same change is seen in comparing annexin I (1AIN) to annexin V.

Particular values describing motion
Experimental Methods = x (Traditional x-ray)
Creation Date = 19970822
Modification Date = 19970822

N O Concha, J F Head, M A Kaetzel, J R Dedman and B A Seaton (1993). Rat Annexin V Crystal Structure: Ca2+-Induced Conformational Changes. Science. 261: 1321-1324. [Medline info for 93369587]
J Sopkova, M Renouard and A Lewit-Bentley (1993). The Crystal Structure of a New High-calcium Form of Annexin V. J. Mol. Biol. 234: 816-825. [Medline info for 94076351]

GO terms associated with structures
Molecular functioncalcium ion binding, calcium-dependent phospholipid binding


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Copyright 1995-2005 M. Gerstein, W. Krebs, S. Flores, N. Echols, and others
Email: Mark.Gerstein _at_